6 tips to keep babies cool in hot weather

6 tips to keep babies cool in hot weather

Spring and summer are beautiful seasons for outdoor adventures with your little ones, but the heat can affect your baby.

Babies can't control their own body temperatures so are at increased risk of heat-related illnesses. They can overheat and dehydrate quickly and their skin is extra sensitive to harmful UV rays. 

The good thing, is that there are plenty of things you can do to help keep your baby cool and protected in high temps while out and about.

6 ways to keep babies cool in hot weather

Offer extra fluids

Babies get thirsty in hot weather just like we do. Offer them more drinks than usual. For babies under six months, this should be breastmilk or formula. For older babies, keep a sippy cup full of water within reach.

The adjustable strap that comes with every Bebe Trek magnetic sun cover makes a handy lanyard for water bottles.  Attach one end to the bottle, the other to the pram so you don’t loose it when your baby inevitably decides to throw it overboard. Only use it this way under supervision though.

Evaporative cooling

A great way to keep the pram and your baby cool is to use the evaporative cooling method. Wet a lightweight fabric cloth before placing on your pram and keep it damp. Combine with a pram fan and this can lower the temperature inside the pram by a few degrees. You can use the same method with a capsule, in the car or cot.

Remember to also use the direction shading method instead of covering your pram fully. With directional shading, you cover the pram where the sun is hitting, leaving sides and gaps open for airflow. If your pram has removable panels, expose the mesh for added airflow.

Bebe Trek’s sun cover is perfect for both evaporative cooling and directional shading.  Bamboo draws away heat and moisture faster than many other fabrics and the inbuilt magnets make it simple to manoeuvre the cover in different configurations to block the sun, not airflow. 

Loose fit clothing

Dress your baby in lightweight and loose fitting clothing. Short sleeved rompers are great when you’re indoors and in the shade, but if you’re moving around in the sun, use loose fitting full-body clothing for added sun protection.

Bebe Trek’s UV protective sunsuits have been designed for the Australian summer. UPF 50+ full-body protection while still being lightweight, breathable and relaxed fitting.

Cooling towels

Use a damp cloth to sponge your baby and cool them down. Use the same method to cool yourself too - dampen a towel and hang it around your neck.

Use sun shades on car windows

Car side windows aren’t great at blocking the sun’s UV rays and heat unless they’re tinted. And even if they are tinted, you may want some additional coverage to block the light.

There are many car shades available on the market but if you already have a Bebe Trek magnetic sun cover, it makes a great car window shade. Plus you can dampen it and combine evaporative cooling methods as well.

Remember to never leave your baby the car - temps rise very quickly.  If you do need to do a quick pit-stop, keep the engine running (air-con on) and keep an adult in the car with the baby.

Sun protection

When it’s hot you can bet the UV index will be high which means sun damage and sun burn can happen real quick. (Sun Smart UV Index app available here)

Stay in the shade where possible, it’ll always be cooler there, but be conscious that UV rays can reflect off some surfaces (eg. water, concrete and sand) so extra sun protection is still advised.

Hats, clothing, sunscreen (babies over 6 months), sunglasses all contribute to sun protection. You can also use UPF 50+ sun covers as shawls or to shade exposed limbs while babywearing.

Bebe Trek’s magnetic sun covers attach to any baby carrier to help shade exposed skin and arms.  You can also hang it up like a shade sail for extra shade while at the park and beach (using a tree, post, pram, wagon or nappy bag as anchor points).

The magnets also attach together to create a sleeved poncho wrap for both kids and adults alike (which is great when you need to protect your own shoulders and arms from the sun but don't have or want to put on sunscreen).

Enjoy your sunny adventures

Don't let the summer heat stop you from having outdoor adventures with your baby. Just be smart about where and when you go, take extra cooling steps and enjoy the great outdoors.

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